There is a song on the sound track to Quentin Tarantino's movie Kill Bill 2 that is called "Urami Ibushi". I have absolutely no idea what this means, or at least, I HAD no idea until I googled it (gotta love google). But this song really moves me. Obviously the lyrics were not resposnsible for my having been so moved by the song- because originally I didn't understand them. However something compels me, everytime I hear this song, to sing along (obviously in made up lyrics that dont make any sense) or even sometimes to dance along to it.
If you haven't heard it, give it a try, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV8JlNdcOEs its a beautiful song and the singer has a really expressive voice, even though I didn't have a clue what the lyrics meant, I felt as though I understood the song, and that by singing along (in my own words) I must have been expressing something beautiful and happy from within me. Am I crazy (wait don't answer), or does that happen to you too?
It hasn't just happened to me with that song, but with many. Even before I met my husband (who is chilean for those that don't know him) I had already established an inexplicable attraction to Spanish music. Now I know that there are many people like me who have experienced the same thing. How do I know? When Julio Iglesisas firt came to Australia during Expo he performed to a sell out audience on riverstage and only a small percentage of all those people who went to see him would have understood the lyrics as almost all his songs were sung in Spanish! There were people cheering, singing along, some even crying, and yet they didn't know if the words were happy lyrics or sad lyrics, they just felt it from the music.
For me this is just proof that music definitely impacts the spirit in ways that we simply do not understand. So whats the point of the story? Making music that you enjoy a part of our everyday routines may have effects on us that we arent aware of. I'm not a doctor, nor am I a scientist, but I do know that music can effect me in strange and beautiful ways, so I am very selective about when and where I have certain types of music. My alarm in the morning plays me a certain type of music. The CD in the car on the way to and from work plays another. When relaxing in the evening a different one - and another still when chilling on Saturday morning.
It surpised me then, talking to some people, that they can go the whole week and not listen to any music! If you are feeling down, try integrating a little more music into your life and see if it lightens your spirit just a tiny bit. But a word of warning... do be careful about your music choices.... Those of you who have been long term battling with depression will understand that some choices can enhance your depresssed mood - be sure to choose music that you are reasonably sure will lift your soul and not the other way around. Throw out the heavy metal and coutry western CD's and load up the music that really calls to you - even if you dont understand the words!
If you haven't heard it, give it a try, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV8JlNdcOEs its a beautiful song and the singer has a really expressive voice, even though I didn't have a clue what the lyrics meant, I felt as though I understood the song, and that by singing along (in my own words) I must have been expressing something beautiful and happy from within me. Am I crazy (wait don't answer), or does that happen to you too?
It hasn't just happened to me with that song, but with many. Even before I met my husband (who is chilean for those that don't know him) I had already established an inexplicable attraction to Spanish music. Now I know that there are many people like me who have experienced the same thing. How do I know? When Julio Iglesisas firt came to Australia during Expo he performed to a sell out audience on riverstage and only a small percentage of all those people who went to see him would have understood the lyrics as almost all his songs were sung in Spanish! There were people cheering, singing along, some even crying, and yet they didn't know if the words were happy lyrics or sad lyrics, they just felt it from the music.
For me this is just proof that music definitely impacts the spirit in ways that we simply do not understand. So whats the point of the story? Making music that you enjoy a part of our everyday routines may have effects on us that we arent aware of. I'm not a doctor, nor am I a scientist, but I do know that music can effect me in strange and beautiful ways, so I am very selective about when and where I have certain types of music. My alarm in the morning plays me a certain type of music. The CD in the car on the way to and from work plays another. When relaxing in the evening a different one - and another still when chilling on Saturday morning.
It surpised me then, talking to some people, that they can go the whole week and not listen to any music! If you are feeling down, try integrating a little more music into your life and see if it lightens your spirit just a tiny bit. But a word of warning... do be careful about your music choices.... Those of you who have been long term battling with depression will understand that some choices can enhance your depresssed mood - be sure to choose music that you are reasonably sure will lift your soul and not the other way around. Throw out the heavy metal and coutry western CD's and load up the music that really calls to you - even if you dont understand the words!
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