Its been a really tough couple of weeks... Fatigue has really set in as it does at this time of the year and the mood has been a bit low. Work is increasing in intensity and an injury prevents me from dancing and exercising as much as I'd like to. My dental problems are causing my mouth to feel like something has errupted inside it and my throat is hoarse and dry from talking. My husband barely remembers what I look like and it feels like I can not seem to fit all I need to into one day. Finances have hit an all time low, My PHD refuses to write itself and I'm about as close to being ready to start my own family as Anna Bligh is to winning a popularity contest!
"Stop and stocktake!" I said to myself. Its time to do an internal audit. We do this all the time at work but we often forget to do it on our personal lives and its just as important if not more so. So I'm stocktacking right now...
1. I have a beautiful husband who tells me I look gorgeous even when I know I have put on 10 kilos, have massive black rings around my eyes and look like I havent slept since 1992.
2. Even though I have no kids in sight of my own I have beautiful students at school many of whom I'd be happy to have as my own.
3. I have a beautiful Mum, Dad and sister that care about me and support me in any way they can.
4. I have friends and cousins that I can talk to and who always try to cheer me up when I'm down.
5. I have a job that I love doing and its permanent which means I can keep on doing it - this means so so much to me.
Wow... to be honest I really don't have a lot to complain about. In actual fact, I am blessed - even on a bad day or a bad week I am truly blessed. Perhaps I should stocktake more often and get a more accurate pespective on my blessings!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed week and love to you all!