A psychiatrist that I was once talking to said to me,
"Tina, do you ever wonder why none of my clients are ever musicians?"
"No, why?" I thought to myself, and the answer was really a simple one. Making music is really creative therapy, so musicians basically receive therapy as a full time job! How wonderful is that!
But thats not to say that no one else can benefit from such therapy as well. Everyone has the ability to make music. A good friend of mine who was very shy, decided he wanted to have singing lessons, and his confidence changed dramatically just after a few lessons. My mother, has no background in music but she loves to sing and to listen to music.
A few weeks ago I was really in a rut. The office was bringing me down - long hours at work and not much fun. Then a friend of mine invited me to watch his band play in the evening. I was reluctant at first because it was far away and on work night, but I decided to go. And WOW... I had forgotten just how uplifting it is to watch live music! By halfway through the act I was clapping and singing along and I felt energised and rejuvenated. Why had I let myself go so long without live music!
I've made a rule to go every Thursday night - That should kick start the weekend nicely!